PBGC - Office of Inspector General

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Semiannual Reports to Congress

The IG is to keep the head of the agency and Congress fully and currently informed as to the status of agency operations and programs. This is accomplished by submitting a semiannual report no later than April 30 and October 31 each year that summarizes OIG audit, investigative and other oversight activity relating to the programs and operations administered or financed by the agency. The IG also reports on the status of the agency's implementation of the recommended corrective actions concerning such problems, abuses and deficiencies.

Select Semiannual Report:

SARC 70 | SARC 69 | SARC 68 | SARC 67 | SARC 66 | SARC 65 | SARC 64 | SARC 63 | SARC 62 | SARC 61 | SARC 60 | SARC 59 | SARC 58 | SARC 57 | SARC 56 | SARC 55 | SARC 54 | SARC 53 | SARC 52 | SARC 51 | SARC 50 | SARC 47-49 | SARC 45-46 | SARC 44 | SARC 43 | SARC 42 | SARC 41 | SARC 40 | SARC 39 | SARC 38 | SARC 37 | SARC 36 | SARC 35 | SARC 34 | SARC 33 | SARC 32 | SARC 31 | SARC 30 | SARC 29 | SARC 28 | SARC 27 | SARC 26 | SARC 25 | SARC 24 | SARC 23 | SARC 22 | SARC 21 | SARC 20 | SARC 19 | SARC 18 |
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