PBGC - Office of Inspector General

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Evaluation of PBGC's Strategic Preparations for a Potential Workload Influx Report No. (EVAL-2011-1 /PA-09-65), issued November 16, 2010

In response to a request from Senator Herbert Kohl, Chairman of the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, we evaluated PBGC's strategic preparations to handle a potential influx of defined benefit plans. We found that PBGC should:

PBGC proposed alternative actions to address four of the report's five recommendations. We accepted PBGC's proposed corrective action for one recommendation. However, we must review the planning document PBGC proposes to draft before we can determine whether PBGC's proposed approach adequately addressed the report's findings.

Click here for the full report.
Pension Benefits Guarantee Corporation
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