PBGC - Office of Inspector General

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OIG Special Report - FY 2017 Purchase Card Risk Assessment (SR-2018-08), issued January 08, 2018

The Government Charge Card Abuse Prevention Act of 2012 (Public Law 112-194) requires Offices of Inspector General to, among other things, conduct periodic assessments of the government purchase card program to identify and analyze risks of illegal, improper, or erroneous purchases and payments. According to the Office of Management and Budget memorandum M-13-21, this risk assessment should be performed annually. The purpose of this special report is to fulfill the requirements of the Act and OMB guidance. Generally, we found that PBGC has policies and procedures in place to address the requirements in the Act, and has internal controls to assist in the monitoring of this program. Based on our review, we determined that the risk of illegal, improper, or erroneous purchases in PBGC’s Purchase Card program is low. We conclude that an OIG audit of this program is not warranted at this time.

Click here for full report.

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