PBGC - Office of Inspector General

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Top Management and Performance Challenges Facing PBGC in FY 2025 (SR-2025-01), issued October 17, 2024

In accordance with the Reports Consolidation Act of 2000, we issued the Inspector General’s summary of the top management and performance challenges facing the PBGC in Fiscal Year 2025 and briefly assesses management’s progress in addressing these challenges. Our office identified four management and performance challenges: (1) strengthening PBGC’s information technology; (2) Contracting Officers’ Representatives’ oversight of contracts; (3) human capital: mission critical skills; and (4) acquisition challenges. These challenges were identified based on oversight work performed for the Office of Inspector General, input from PBGC management, and knowledge of the PBGC’s programs and operations.

Click here for the full report.

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